7 Ways High-Quality Stock Images will Effectively Up Your Equine Digital Marketing Game

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Wow your Audience and Show ‘Em Who’s Boss

We’ve all been there…

2 a.m. and your newest ad campaign is rolling out in T - minus four hours. You’ve done the work. The hard work. Created amazing content. Researched ‘til you were blue in the face. You’ve dotted all your “I’s” and crossed every stinkin’ “T.” You and your team created a plan to completely knock the socks off your audience. Draw them in and get them to say “YES.” The magical word you so love to hear.

After all, you’ve created an amazing business. Your life’s dream. You created a product people absolutely love… once they hear about it. 

Little did you know marketing your business, your product… would become the focus of your journey. People love your product when they buy it. But, teaching them about it and finding it... That’s a whole different story. 

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Digital marketing proves to be your ally. 

Effective and powerful digital marketing for your equine business truly draws the customers in. Both your current audience and new customers. When they can read about your product. How beneficial it is. How easy it is to use… they are SOLD. Thank God for that!

But, consistently creating your marketing campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, your website, and through blog posts is a daily grind. Not that you are complaining. Not at all. Just cognizant of the need to frequently get information out to your current and potential customers. 

And, boring ads just won’t do. Cuz... A) That’s not your style. B) Who likes boring?

How do you add a fresh and stylish flair to your digital marketing?

By using Fast Horse Photography’s equine stock photo library, that’s how. 

Here are 7 Ways Equine Advertising Photography Will Make a Splash for Your Business

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One - Powerful Horse Images Make the First Impression and the Last One Too

Everywhere you look, you see pictures. You are inundated with images every day. Good ones and ones that are ehhh, not so good. 

Advertisements are all over the place. When googling the best hoof care solutions for your trusty quarter horse with cracked hooves, what shows up on your Facebook page? Yep, ads for hoof care products. I don’t know about you, but I’m 10 times more likely to buy a product where the ad is clear, concise, and creates an emotional connection. Folks, pictures that draw you in. Get your audience to act, don’t happen by accident.

Sure, you can go out with your iPhone and capture some pretty good photos. Ones that make the models look good. Or show off the beautiful conformation of the horses you are using. But, does that make the sale? 

Instead, use the talent and skill set of a professional equine photographer. Whose eye naturally knows the best angle. The best lighting. The best time of day to capture an image that injects punch into your equestrian digital marketing ads. Putting the focus on your product. And, drawing the buyer in.

Images that cause your audience to pause, take a second look. And act.

Two - Equine Images that Tell a Story 

You want the photos you use to tell a story. So, your audience gets pulled in and connects with the story you are telling… and to the product, you are offering. You want them to feel an emotional connection with the benefits of buying and using the product.


Let’s say your product is a removable hoof boot. And you are creating an ad campaign for your newest boot with velcro straps. You want the boot and your logo to stand out in the picture. Not a flashy cowgirl dressed to the nines. 

Your boots are designed to provide comfort on trail rides or in a rocky pasture. Not in a sandy arena or grassy knoll. Your photos need to be specific with a clear message.

Fast Horse Photography’s digital image library has 100’s of photos to choose from to meet your exact needs. Select the photo that fits your story and then add info about your product and your logo. Bam. The perfect story to let your customers know YOU are a trusted source in the industry. Your product will help their 28-year-old OTTB who needs just an extra bit of cushion out on the trail.

Three - Horse Images to Share Your Brand Message

What is the message of your brand? What is it you are telling or selling to your customers? Let’s go back to the hoof boot example. You created your hoof boots because you have a 31-year-old quarter horse. Back in the day, he was the number one ropin’ horse across all 50 states. You bought him when he was a frisky little colt. Bred with the best lines. He was classy and loved to go fast. At his ripe old age, he still loves to get out and lope on the trails. But, he needs a Lil’ extra somethin’ to help with pain in his feet. Shoes weren’t cuttin’ it. 


You and your husband crafted a lightweight rubber hoof boot to give Hank the extra cush he needed. And voila — now you have a business.

What’s the message you want your customers and future customers to know? Maybe your message is, “Just because you have an oldie… doesn’t mean their ridin’ days are over. Hoof boots will give them a bounce in their step, and more time with you on their back. More time to explore the trails and have horsie adventures. Don’t give up on them. There is an answer.”

The pictures you use to market your boots need to support your message. 

Some day in your near future, you might have a custom commercial equine photography photo session to dial in your brand message. But, for now, licensable equine images from Fast Horse Photography are the perfect answer. 

With 100’s of photos to choose from, you can select horse images to back your brand message. Add information about your product and your logo and you’ve got yourself a smashing ad campaign. 

Four - Consistency is the Name of the Game in Advertising

Here’s the big problem with using photos you shoot from your iPhone or free images you get from the web. They lack consistency. Sometimes you can take the perfect photo. And sometimes… your photos will fall flat. Likewise, sometimes you can find a free image that works with what you need. But, most times the image won’t fit exactly with the message you are trying to tell your audience.


Trust me, your audience will lose interest in what you are telling or selling. They will scroll on by to the next image. Stopping at the one that gives them all the feels. 

Don’t you want the image they stop at to be yours? I am telling ya… you might be able to pull it off once in a while. But, consistency in your marketing shows people you are an industry leader. You have a product they want. A product that will make a difference in their lives. 

Consistency is key.

Five - High-Resolution True to Life Equine Stock Images

Superb quality images that wow. Plain and simple. A photo caliber you’ll never get from your phone or on the internet. Crisp. Clean. Clear. The standard you want for EVERY photo you use in your digital marketing. 

Your audience will notice. They will stop and connect with the message you are sending. Every single time.

Six - An Equine Stock Photo Library with 100’s of Images

You name it, we’ve got you covered. From ringside to horses on the beach. Equine therapy photography to silhouettes. Equestrian lifestyle photography to tack and accessories. 

Take a look at our Stock Image Photo Archives and find what you need with the click of a button. Add content and your logo. Marketing made simple. 

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Seven - Special Event Photos for What’s happening Now

As you create your ad campaign, it’s important to use images to reflect what is going on in the world today. Do you need images to motivate your audience to stand strong in trying times? Do you need to give people something to look forward to? What about photos for the holidays? Or products you market to families or seniors? 

Fast Horse Photography has a gamut of photos to fill your special event photo category needs. Photos to brighten people’s day. To encourage and give hope. Ones to stir up emotions and bring joyful memories. 

When it comes to your advertising plan, don’t settle for uninspiring photos. Choose horse images to add excitement and life to your campaign. 

Guess what? I have a great opportunity for you to learn more about the power of a focused digital marketing plan. Give a listen to an amazing podcast from The Business Animal about this very subject. Fast Horse Photography and Be More Business have teamed up to give you the best tips and tricks to make your unruly animal-based business first in its class. Take a listen to episode #3.

Folks, we want your business to be successful. For you to stand out in the middle of a herd of wild mustangs. We know it doesn’t come easy. But we sure are rootin’ for ya. Today is the day to choose to be a leader in the equine industry with photos that make your brand and product stand out. Images that pop on the screen. 

Go to our Equestrian Stock Images and liven up your digital marketing today.