Unique Equestrian Senior Portraits

Celebrating Equestrian Seniors Who Want to Share Their Photography Session With Their Horse

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2020 high school seniors have been forced to miss so many traditional rights of passage due to covid-19. So when Nicole’s mother contacted me about surprising her with an equestrian senior portrait session… I was so excited! Finishing school from home, missing her sports activities, prom and of course the final walk with her friends to accept her diploma are just a few of the memorable moments she, like so many seniors, wouldn’t get to experience.

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We began planning immediately. We knew Nicole’s session would include her horse JD and her dog Brutus, She would wear her cap and gown and would bring the prom dress that she never got to wear to prom. Once I saw a picture of Nicole’s prom dress, I knew it was officially time to test my little surprise sitting in the Fast Horse Photography studio waiting for the perfect moment to be unleashed. Wings!

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Putting wings on a horse is certainly not for every horse! They move and flap and can be spooky for some horses, but JD was a perfect angel as they we strapped them in place and was calm as they slapped against his sides and belly and BOOM! A bay Pegasus was born!

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Of course we couldn’t JUST use the wings on JD. NO WAY! Nicole’s prom dress was perfect for her also wear the wings for part of her session. They added such a fun and unique element to her senior equestrian session and I have no doubt I’ll be putting them in my truck again soon for future equine fantasy photography sessions.

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Congratulations to Nicole and all 2020 high school seniors!

Fast Horse Photography captures the connection between horses and humans and celebrates the joy that they bring to our lives through portraiture, commercial photography, and fine art prints. Based out of Northeast Florida and traveling from St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Daytona, Palm Coast, Gainesville, Palatka, and beyond.