Ashleigh and Flicka/ Remember Me Session/ Jacksonville, Florida

Saying goodbye to Flicka.

Having to say goodbye to a beloved horse is one of the hardest parts of horse ownership. It is never easy. Sometimes when a horse has lived a good long life, saying goodbye, becomes a process of a lot of little things. Extra treats each morning that you are greeted with his nicker. Scratches in all his favorite spots. Watching daily for a sign that he is ready to go. Agonizing over making the call at the right time.

When a horse becomes injured or ill, often times those last moments are so different. Hoping for recovery, for answers, for the magic cure. For a sign that your beloved horse has fight left in them or needs more time. For those who have been through it… agonizing, full of self-doubt, and questions.

As a horse owner I know all these feelings. “Remember Me” photography sessions are one way that I help equestrians say goodbye and celebrate the life of their horse. Create a tribute to their memory. Capture the last moments to cherish. Rest in peace sweet Flicka. You were loved by your family and will be missed, but you won’t be forgotten.